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Pointing Altair At The Star Party

I had the pleasure of participating in the XXIII edition of the Madonie Star Party.
An exciting event during which I had the honor of giving my contribution. It was nice to meet among the telescopes and watch astronomy lovers work to observe and photograph the universe. Although the sky was not perfectly transparent due to the heat wave that enveloped Sicily, the place where the star party took place was particularly dark. The weak red lights of the torches and the weak ambient light of the Gonato farmhouse did not prevent us from resuming the Milky Way. This image shows one of the many moments during which the beauty of the sky was told. A green laser aims at the star Altair with the aim of helping the less prepared to recognize one of the brightest stars in the summer sky.

Canon 6dmod, Canon 8-15mm, f/4, 30 sec, iso 3200, stack of 19 images, 2 images for the foreground